Local Hagiology

Apostle Paul

Saint Methodius of Olympus

Saint Riginos the Levadeus

Saint Nikon the “Repent”

Saint Christodoulos of Patmos

Saint Nicholas the Sicilian

Saint Gregory of Stroggyli, Lichados

Saint Theophylaktos of Bulgaria, Chalkis

Saint Euthymius the ascetic and Saint Daniel the “Stilitis”

Saint Michael the Choniatis

Saint Anthimos of Athens and Euripus and President of Crete the Confessor

Saint Gerasimos Sinaitis of Evia

Saint Joseph of Evia

Saint Savvas the new of Athos

Timothy Archibishop of Euripus

Holy Martyr Theophanes

Saint Symeon the barefoot and solitary

Saint David in Evia

Saint Gerasimos the Great Martyr

Saint John the Russian, the new Confessor

Saint Cosmas of Aetolia

Saint Hierotheos of Kalamon

Saint Nicodemus

Saint Niphon (28th of Decmeber)

Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis

Saint Neophytos

Saint Porphyrios the Kafsokalyvitis from Evia

Saint Iakovos (Tsalikis) the new (Evia)